20 Fun Facts About Women of the Middle Ages from Rosen Publishing at the Book Checkout

20 Fun Facts About Women Of The Middle Ages
20 Fun Facts About Women of the Middle Ages
Book Category:
Juvenile Nonfiction > History > Medieval
Janey Levy
Library Edition
ISBN 13:
USD 18.95
Publication Year:

Publisher Info


Rosen Publishing,

Book Description

During the Middle Ages, women often did backbreaking work. Whether they were weaving their own cloth to make clothing or helping their husbands in the fields, medieval women worked hard--and so, often didn't live past age 40! Fascinating facts like this engage readers with women's lives during an important historical period. Full-color photographs and historical images illustrate the daily life of both peasants and noblewomen, as readers are introduced to Fiery Joanna, Joan of Arc, and other powerful, role-challenging women of the Middle Ages.

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