This is how you will appear in the catalog. It could be your publisher name, your name, or any other way you'd like to represent the yourself as the person showing your book(s) to the audience at the book fairs.
Catalog Entry Header (What does this mean?)
This is how you will appear in the catalog. It could be your publisher name, your name, or any other way you'd like to represent the yourself as the person showing your book(s) to the audience at the book fairs.
Please complete the following details
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Member Login
Publisher or Author Name (mean)?
This is how your company or author name will appear in the print catalog and online database.
Terms & Conditions
This non-exclusive Services Agreement contains the complete terms and conditions that apply to your use of the Combined Book Exhibit Services, described at As used in this Agreement, "CBE", means Combined Book Exhibit.
Amendment; Notice of Changes. CBE reserves the right to change the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement, other Service-specific terms and conditions, or any policies or guidelines governing the Services, including without limitation, any of the information posted the CBE website at any time and in our sole discretion. Any changes to the Site, including Service-specific terms and conditions, or policies and guidelines referenced in this Agreement, will be effective upon posting of such revisions on the Site and without notice to you. We will, however, send you an email with any changes to this Agreement. You are responsible for regularly reviewing the Site and the terms & conditions link on the registration pages for these changes. YOUR CONTINUED USE OF THE SITE AND THE SERVICES FOLLOWING OUR POSTING OF ANY CHANGES TO THE AGREEMENT ON THE SITE WILL CONSTITUTE YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF SUCH CHANGES OR MODIFICATIONS. IF A CURRENT OR FUTURE SHOW IS CANCELED OR POSTPONED DUE TO FORCE MAJEURE THE AUTHOR/ PUBLISHER/ AGENT OR MARKETING COMPANY WILL NOT RECEIVE A REFUND.
The person, company, reseller or marketing company acting on behalf or registering for the author or company who is submitting the online Combined Book Exhibit registration form is responsible for the accuracy of the information supplied and agrees to all terms and conditions stated here on behalf of the author or company.
The information supplied during the registration process is exactly how it will appear in the Combined Book Exhibit exhibit catalog(s) and on its searchable online database(s):
It is the responsibility of the person, company, authorized representative, reseller or marketing company to keep the information supplied to CBE up-to-date and accurate.
Resellers, marketing companies and authorized representatives are responsible for their client's information being accurate in our database for purposes of creating a print and online catalog. This includes but is not limited to, book cover image, description, price, PDF/Ebook uploads and ISBN information.
Resellers, marketing companies and authorized representatives/publishing companies/representatives will also be responsible for forwarding these terms and conditions to their authors.
Registration is required before any books are mailed to our offices. We are not responsible for any books received without an attached registration and can not guarantee they will be displayed in our shows.
The author, company, reseller, marketing company or authorized representative is responsible for supplying CBE with the appropriate amount of display copies as outlined on the Combined Book Exhibit website.
Completion of the registration process including the receipt of the display copies must be accomplished by the stated deadline of each show outlined in CBE's website.
Registrations cannot be changed after the published deadline for each show.
It is the responsibility of the author, CBE reseller, marketing company or authorized representative of the author or publisher to upload a PDF or Epub file for the look inside the book feature. CBE will only show 25% of the file that is uploaded. For example, if the file uploaded only includes 16 pages, only four pages, (25% of the total number of pages in the file) will be shown on the CBE website. The pages shown will start from the beginning of the book only. It is the responsibility of the author, CBE reseller, marketing company or authorized representative of the author or publisher to monitor and update this information through CBE login and passwords provided at the time of registration. If an author or publisher sends the pdf or epub file to an employee of CBE to upload on behalf of the content holder, you automatically agree to all CBE terms and conditions.
Space is limited and on a first come, first serve basis.
Display copies become the property of the Combined Book Exhibit unless prior arrangements are made.
Full payment by authors, publishers, resellers, marketing companies and authorized representatives must be made prior to the Show's date unless prior arrangements are made in writing.
CBE reserves the right to deny registration and/or representation at the show(s) and does not allow pornographic materials or books containing hate speech.
Only CBE authorized representatives can staff the exhibit.
The shelf placement of materials in the CBE exhibit is not predetermined. As such, CBE is not responsible for the physical location within the exhibit of the titles on display.
CBE reserves the right to change location of any display materials in order to serve the best interest of the exhibit as CBE sees fit.
CBE is a means of advertising or promoting books and other titles. CBE does not guarantee any sales or orders will be generated as a result of its service.
Small quantities of promotional material is allowed except for BookExpo New Title Showcase, London Book Fair New Title Showcase and the New York Rights Fair Global Rights Showcase.
If an author, publisher, marketing company or authorized representative of the titles on display attends a CBE show, the following is what we will allow at our booths during official exhibit days and hours:
Taking pictures of your title on the shelf.
Taking pictures with family members and friends with your title.
Leave promotional material on our table in the booth for attendee's to pick up for certain shows (not including BookExpo and London Book Fair New Title Showcases and New York Rights Fair Global Rights Showcase)
If an author, publisher, marketing company or authorized representative of the titles on display attends a CBE show, the following is what we will not allow at our booths during official exhibit days and hours:
Handing out promotional materials in our booth.
Holding meetings in the display area.
Staying in the display area for extended periods of time for any reason.
Resellers of Combined Book Exhibit Services: All resellers of CBE services must obtain acknowledgment from an author/publisher registering and displaying at Combined Book Exhibit shows that said author/publisher agree to CBE Terms and Conditions above. Said acknowledgment shall be in the form of an online “check box” or will be written acknowledgement included in the resellers contract, amendment, rider or the like. In the event that reseller does not obtain said acknowledgement from a reseller client/author, reseller hereby agrees to indemnify CBE for any violations of said Terms and Conditions by the reseller author/client.
Exhibit Badges: Registration for the “Display” of your book, whether it is print or ebook, does not include a badge for entry to the respective book fair. Exhibit badges for book fairs must be purchased separately on the book fairs website, or onsite at the fair. Fees will apply to purchase a badge and will vary from fair to fair.
Any person, company, or marketing company that is re-selling Combined Book Exhibits's services requires that the person, company or marketing company must include on their website or through other promotional activities clearly, that the Combined Book Exhibit is the company of record for the display of the author's titles at the shows Combined Book Exhibit attends.
If a Full Page Ad is ordered for a catalog and the PDF file requested is not sent to us by the deadline date, CBE reserves the right to use the Front Cover of the title registered as the AD for the catalog.
If a Full Page Ad is ordered for a catalog and the PDF file requested is not sent to us by the deadline date, CBE reserves the right to use the Front Cover of the title registered as the AD for the catalog.