80 Poems from Dorrance Publishing at the Book Checkout

80 Poems
80 Poems
Book Category:
Poetry > General
Roger Wayne Turkington
ISBN 13:
USD $11.00
Publication Year:

Publisher Info

Dorrance Publishing,
585 Alpha Drive,
Pittsburgh ,
Pennsylvania - 15238,
Web: www.DorranceBookstore.com

Book Description

Turkington?s poetry moves from profound to epic to the amusingly contrived. His rhythms and alliteration truly transport the reading. The awardee of the American Medal of Honor, the World Freedom Medal, International Man of the Year 2002, and the Distinguished Service Cross, author Roger Wayne Turkington shares with us his eclectic collection of poetry.

Ordering/Distributor/Wholesaler Information

  • First book $3.99 shipping and handling, each additional book add $1.00 Amazon.com, Barnesandnoble.com, Baker and Taylor, Ingram Lightning Source

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