A Father’s Cry from Michael Ray Burse Jr_Fulton Books at the Book Checkout

A Father’s Cry
A Father’s Cry
Book Category:
Poetry > African
Michael R Burse Jr
ISBN 13:
USD 13.95
Publication Year:

Publisher Info

Michael Ray Burse Jr,

Michael Ray Burse Jr_Fulton Books,
296 Chestnut St.,
Meadville ,
Pennsylvania - 16335,
Web: https://www.fultonbooks.com

Book Description

Most of the time we get the mother's perspective when dealing with children. A Father's Cry is just the opposite of that, it's a father's perspective on life how he deals with everything.


Book Review and Awards

Father's Cry is all his pain and tears and not holding back from voicing what's right for a father. Often, we fathers don't get the recog

Post Review