Behavioral Activation for Depression |
A Clinician's Guide
Book Category:
Psychology > General
Christopher R. Martell, PhD, ABPP, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Department of Psychology, University of Washington; Sona Dimidjian, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Colorado at Boulder; Ruth Herman-Dunn, PhD, Department
ISBN 13:
USD $26.00
Publication Year:
Publisher Info
James Chan,
Guilford Press,370 Seventh Avenue,
New York ,
New York - 10001,USA Inquiry
From leading experts in behavioral activation research and clinical practice, this volume presents an empirically tested approach for helping clients overcome depression by becoming active and engaged in their own lives. Behavioral activation is a stand-alone treatment whose principles can be integrated easily with other approaches that therapists already use. Guidelines are presented for identifying individualized treatment targets, monitoring and scheduling "antidepressant" activities--experiences that are likely to be rewarding and pleasurable--and decreasing avoidance and ruminative thinking. Rich clinical illustrations include an extended case example that runs throughout the book. Twenty-two reproducible forms, worksheets, and tables can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.
Bill Kennedy Avicenna Partnership Ltd. P.O. Box 501 Whitney Oxfordshire OX28 9JL + 44 7802 244457 [email protected]