Careers for Tech Girls in Video Game Development from Rosen Publishing at the Book Checkout

Careers For Tech Girls In Video Game Development
Careers for Tech Girls in Video Game Development
Book Category:
Juvenile Nonfiction > Technology > General
Laura La Bella
Library Edition
ISBN 13:
USD 25.70
Publication Year:

Publisher Info


Rosen Publishing,

Book Description

Women have faced an uphill climb in the male-dominated world of video game development, but that is beginning to change. Young women now make up nearly half of all gamers, and some companies are looking to expand the influence of women in the gaming industry and engage with them as creators, rather than only as consumers. This resource introduces middle and high school girls to the world of video game development, covering the kinds of courses, extracurricular activities, and organizations that can help them get into a career in video game development.

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