Cousins: The Early Years of Jesus and John the Baptist from Fulton Books at the Book Checkout

Cousins: The Early Years Of Jesus And John The Baptist
Cousins: The Early Years of Jesus and John the Baptist
Book Category:
Religion > Biblical Studies > Wisdom Literature
Archibald Asberry Jr.
ISBN 13:
USD 15.95
Publication Year:

Publisher Info

Fulton Books,
296 Chestnut St.,
Meadville ,
Pennsylvania - 16335,

Book Description

sonment by Herod Antipas. John, while in the dungeon, is thinking about his parents and the times with his cousin Jesus the Messiah. John reminisces of the wedding of his parents, Zacharias and Elisabeth, and of the childhoods of Joseph and Mary, the parents of Jesus Christ. He takes us through their births and journey together as two young boys that were chosen by God to bring their people back to Him. We see why God has entrusted Joseph to be the father of His only begotten Son. We learn why God chose Mary, who was virtuous, righteous, loving, and holy, even after her faith was tested by a Roman soldier. We see how John the Baptist, at a very young age and to his death, did not grasp the coming of the kingdom of Jesus Christ. We see how Jesus, from a very young age, knew his purpose here on earth and was brilliant beyond His years and eager to learn. Jesus takes in everything he observes and speaks of them later in ministry.
We see how childhood friends of Jesus, Mary, and Martha, with their brother Lazarus, whom Jesus raised from the dead, knew that Jesus was the Messiah. We see how loving Jesus was with his siblings and grandparents. The book tells the lives of Jesus and John up until their ministries. This is a mustA

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