Creative Interventions with Traumatized Children, Second Edition |
Book Category:
Psychology > General
Cathy A. Malchiodi, PhD, ATR-BC, LPAT, LPCC, REAT, Division of Expressive Therapies, Lesley University, Cambridge, MA; and Director, Trauma-Informed Practices and Expressive Arts Therapy Institute, Louisville, KY
ISBN 13:
USD $45.00
Publication Year:
Publisher Info
James Chan,
Guilford Press,370 Seventh Avenue,
New York ,
New York - 10001,USA Inquiry
A trusted, bestselling resource, this volume demonstrates a range of creative approaches for facilitating children's emotional reparation and recovery from trauma. Experts in play, art, music, movement, and drama therapy, as well as bibliotherapy, describe step-by-step strategies for working with children, families, and groups. Rich with case material and artwork, the book is both practical and user-friendly. Specific types of stressful experiences include parental loss, child abuse, family violence, bullying, and mass trauma. Important developments in neurobiology, self-regulation, and resilience and posttraumatic growth are highlighted in this substantial revision. New to This Edition: *Chapters on art therapy and EMDR, body maps and dissociation, sandtray play, resiliency-based movement therapy, work with clay, mindfulness, and stress reduction with music therapy. *Updated and expanded discussions of trauma-informed therapy and the neurobiological basis for creative interventions. *The chapter on mass violence has been extensively rewritten with new case material on the Sandy Hook school shooting.
Bill Kennedy Avicenna Partnership Ltd. P.O. Box 501 Whitney Oxfordshire OX28 9JL + 44 7802 244457 [email protected]