Fairies of Blossom Bakery: Butterfly from Random House (UK) Group, The at the Book Checkout

Fairies Of Blossom Bakery: Butterfly
Fairies of Blossom Bakery: Butterfly
Book Category:
Juvenile Fiction > General
Mandy Archer
ISBN 13:
GBP 5.99

Publisher Info

Felicity Smith,

Random House (UK) Group, The,
20 Vauxhall Bridge Road,
London - SWIV 2SA,
United Kingdom
Web: www.randomhouse.co.uk, www.booksattransworld.co.uk

Key Contact Information

Felicity Smith
Area Sales Manager Middle East

Book Description

Butterfly wants everything to be perfect for her perfect birthday party. She's got her dress, her cake and the fairies are helping her with the invites and decoration. But when it rains and everybody has to go home the other fairies help to save the day! - See more at: http://www.randomhouse.co.nz/books/mandy-archer/fairies-of-blossom-bakery-butterfly-and-the-birthday-surprise-9780552569033.aspx#sthash.peZrVjNB.dpuf

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