Green Building Illustrated |
Book Category:
Architecture > Sustainability & Green Design
ISBN 13:
USD 49.95
Publication Year:
Publisher Info
Maya Zurifeh,
John Wiley & Sons,The Atrium, Southern Gate,
West Sussex - PO19 8SQ,United Kingdom
Web: Inquiry
Sustainable design and building finally gets the Ching treatment with Green Building Illustrated. Using Francis D.K. Ching's signature graphic presentation and Ian Shapiro's subject matter expertise, the theory and practices of the complexities of green building are made clear and understandable.? From the outside to the inside of a building, all aspects of sustainability are covered, providing a framework and detailed strategies to design buildings which are substantively green. Beginning with a introduction explaining why we need to build green, the theory behind it, current rating systems and the new directions in the industry,?Green Building Illustrated?then gives?supplies a comprehensive look at: Importance of community and site selection Passive design using building shape and near-building features Towards net zero energy through outer envelope and inner envelope design, the importance of unheated spaces and zoning/compartmentalization, and lighting and plug loads. Water conservation Ventilation and indoor?air quality Active heating and cooling? Minimum-impact materials Operation, maintenance, and quality control Affordability and life cycle analysis Importance of nature and beauty in green architecture Sure to be the standard?reference on the subject for students, professionals, and anyone interested in sustainable design and construction of buildings, Green Building Illustrated is also a great book to read and enjoy.