Have you tried LOVE? from Fulton Books at the Book Checkout

Have You Tried LOVE?
Have you tried LOVE?
Book Category:
Family & Relationships > Parenting > Parent & Adult Child
Lisa Y. Lomeli
ISBN 13:
USD 15.95
Publication Year:

Publisher Info

Fulton Books,
296 Chestnut St.,
Meadville ,
Pennsylvania - 16335,

Book Description

There's much written about love and its fierceness. It is said that love moves mountains and conquers all. What about the love that parents and grandparents possess for their children and grandchildren? Many times, I've sat and attempted to contemplate and comprehend this immeasurable emotion. Have you ever wondered why we are instinctively built to place our hand on a child's feverish head, bruised knee, or even our own elbow or toe after hitting it against a solid object? Many discoveries are being made in the worlds of both Western and Eastern medicine. The short content of this book will perhaps introduce you to an increasingly popular, holistic practice that helps alleviate the pain of booA

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