Ivillager: My Lifetime Journey From Kokoland To America |
Book Category:
Biography & Autobiography > Personal Memoirs
Abba Gony Mustafa
ISBN 13:
USD 25.95
Publication Year:
Publisher Info
Gony Mustafa Sharif,
Gony Mustafa Sharif_Page Publishing,101 Tyrellan Avenue Suite 330,
Staten Island ,
New York - 10309,USA
Web: www.pagepublishing.com Inquiry
Book Description
Abba Gony Mustafa’s new book “iVillager” shares the purposeful journey of a Kokolander to the land of America and discovering enlightenment about the world.
Book Review and Awards
Recent release “iVillager” from Page Publishing author Abba Gony Mustafa is a wonderfully written memoir of a man’s profound journey.