Les oreilles de Chester from Éditions de l'Isatis at the Book Checkout

Les Oreilles De Chester
Les oreilles de Chester
Book Category:
Juvenile Nonfiction > General
Anne Renaud
Félix Girard
ISBN 13:
CAD 19.95
Publication Year:

Publisher Info

Angèle Delaunois,

Éditions de l'Isatis,
4829, avenue Victoria,
Montréal Québec - H3W 2M9,
Web: editionsdelisatis.com/

Key Contact Information

Angèle Delaunois

Pascale Patte-Wilbert - AMBRE COMMUNICATION
Rights department

Book Description

1873. Chester, 15 years old, has VERY large ears. Ears as big as barn doors! But Chester doesn't mind. He likes his ears just as they are. He likes them as much as he enjoys ice-skating during winter. Nothing can hold him back from putting on his skates and gliding on the ice, not even the bitter cold biting the tips of his fingers and his toes. The problem is that on exceptionally cold days, his BIG ears turn bright pink, then blue and then white... What to do? Put on a tuque? No,it scratches his head too much. Wrap the top of his head with a scarf? No, that makes Chester look like a gumball! Chester will quickly have to find a solution if he wants to make the most of winter and keep on skating!

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