Mood Repair Toolkit from Guilford Press at the Book Checkout

Mood Repair Toolkit
Mood Repair Toolkit
Proven Strategies to Prevent the Blues from Turning into Depression
Book Category:
Psychology > General
David A. Clark, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of New Brunswick, Canada
ISBN 13:
USD $14.95
Publication Year:

Publisher Info

James Chan,

Guilford Press,
370 Seventh Avenue,
New York ,
New York - 10001,

Book Description

If you have trouble bouncing back from low moods or just feel stuck in the doldrums much of the time, renowned cognitive behavior therapist David A. Clark has a clear message: there are simple yet powerful steps you can take to feel better. This encouraging book presents 80 strategies you can use to reduce sadness, promote positive feelings of contentment and joy, and decrease your risk for full-blown depression. Vivid stories and concrete examples help you learn specific methods for: *Nipping negativity in the bud. *Making unhappiness less overwhelming. *Defusing self-criticism and rumination. *Boosting your energy and motivation for change.?? *Feeling more confident and hopeful every day. Using the practical tools in the book--forms, worksheets, and self-assessment quizzes--makes it easy to create and stick to a mood repair action plan. You can download and print additional copies of these tools as needed. The strategies that Dr. Clark provides are grounded in cutting-edge neuroscience and psychology research--and they work. Discover proven ways to start living a more satisfying and productive life.

Ordering/Distributor/Wholesaler Information

  • Bill Kennedy Avicenna Partnership Ltd. P.O. Box 501 Whitney Oxfordshire OX28 9JL + 44 7802 244457 [email protected]

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