Pacific Musick |
Personal Life of Captain Ed Musick, Chief Pilot, Pan American Airways China Clipiper
Book Category:
History > Modern > 20th Century
Ross Detwiler
ISBN 13:
USD 30.95
Publication Year:
Publisher Info
Ross Detwiler,
Ross Detwiler_Austin Macauley,CGC-33-01, 25 Canada Square, Canary Wharf,
London 0 - E14 5LQ,United Kingdom
Web: www.austinmacauley.com Inquiry
Book Description
The China Clipper is the headliner of Pan American's 1938 line up. But while this magnificent machine garners the glory and fame, dangers await crews further expanding the corporation's boundaries.
Book Review and Awards
Walter J. Boyne, " Makes for a very good read." Jon Krupnick, "Ross reminds me of James Michner's approach to the history involved."