Risk Analysis and Management for Projects (RAMP) Third edition |
Edition 3
Book Category:
Technology & Engineering > General
Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), The Actuaries Profession
ISBN 13:
GBP 40.00
Publisher Info
Mark Trapnell,
ICE Publishing, Key Contact InformationBill Kennedy
Director, Avicenna Partnership Ltd.
RAMP is a structured process for evaluating and controlling risk in major projects and this practical, working handbook is for everyone involved in the financial, commercial, legal or engineering aspects of a project. Providing a framework for identifying, analysing and responding to risks and then placing a financial value on them, the RAMP process covers the whole life of the asset involved, including post-completion reviews and methods for controlling any risks that remain, to increase the chances of overall project success. It can be applied to ?hard? projects involving construction of physical assets or ?soft? projects involving business acquisitions or the launch of a new product.
Bill Kennedy Avicenna Partnership Ltd. P.O. Box 501 Whitney Oxfordshire OX28 9JL +44 7802 244457 [email protected]