Step Lightly from Livingston Press at the Book Checkout

Step Lightly
Step Lightly
Book Category:
Fiction > General
Klym, Kendall
ISBN 13:
Publication Year:

Publisher Info

Joe Taylor,

Livingston Press,
Station 22, UWA,
Livingston ,
Alabama - 35470,

Key Contact Information

Joe Taylor

Book Description

No one knows exactly what a human soul is. Religious people say it's a spiritual thing; others think it's simply the sum of one's thoughts, experiences, and memories. In this story, a deceased neuroscientist, Gregory "Dex" Poindexter, has found a way to resurrect himself in the brain of his ex-girlfriend, whom he had previously experimented on. The only hope of stopping Dex's plan to continue infecting others with his essence or soul resides with Samantha Mathis, an emotionally torn teenager, and her boyish math professor friend, Jeremy Williams. The two soon discover that Dex has released a secret power that can destroy far more than one small Mississippi town. The clue to their discovery comes from the "possessed" ex-girlfriend who shouts out the words of an old Supremes song. Jeremy can't get them out of his mind, "You possess my soul now, honey . . ." Samantha tosses in some other clues and they both enter into a race to stop the resurrected Dex.

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  • Libraries and booksellers: Please order through Baker & Taylor, Brodart, Coutts Library Service, Yankee Book Peddler, or SPDBooks (California).

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