The Faery Tales from Lucy ela Walmsley_Austin Macauley at the Book Checkout

The Faery Tales
The Faery Tales
Book Category:
Fiction > Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Legends & Mythology
ISBN 13:
GBP 9.99
Publication Year:

Publisher Info

Lucy Walmsley,

Lucy ela Walmsley_Austin Macauley,
CHC-33-01, 25 Canada Square, Canary Wharf,
London - E14 5LQ,
United Kingdom

Book Description

Join these four faery best friends, Willow, Aria, Delta and Ember on a magical faery adventure set deep in the Enchanted Forest.
Celebrating the bumble bees National Honey Day should be a joyous occasion. The bumble bees Buzz and Honey are so excited! But the naughty faeries Dawn and Luna seem to try all they can to spoil this happy day. Will the faeries and the bumble bees save the day? It’s set to be an adventure, that’s all I can say!

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