The Little Girl Who Laughs, Cries |
The Secret Life of an Abused Child. The Emotions and Memories Remain.
Book Category:
Family & Relationships > Emotions
Elena Elison
ISBN 13:
USD 12.95
Publication Year:
Publisher Info
Elena Elison,
Elena Elison_Newman Springs,320 Broad St,
Red Bank ,
New Jersey - 07701,USA
Web: https://www.newmansprings.com Inquiry
Book Description
The soul of a Newborn is so very precious and delicate. At birth the infant is already looking for a safe home to place its heart. It is the emotions and memories which will define the years to follow
Book Review and Awards
Review: AZCAMERA at Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com ****Review: Nickolas Farmakis at OnlineBookClub.org