The Right Hand of God |
A Psychotherapist's Case for the Reality of the Living God
Book Category:
Religion > Psychology Of Religion
Ara C. Trembly, MS, MA, LPC
ISBN 13:
USD 13.95
Publication Year:
Publisher Info
Ara C. Trembly,
Ara C. Trembly_Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.,832 Park Avenue,
Meadville ,
Pennsylvania - 16335,USA
Web: www.christianfaithpublishing.com Inquiry
Book Description
Trembly sets out to recover aspects of God—including his physical presence and power—that are central to Biblical narratives of human encounters with God, yet often overlooked in our modern readings.
Book Review and Awards
4.8 out of 5 stars 10 ratings 4.4 on Goodreads 371 ratings