The Sutra of Hui Neng with Chinese Script from Mei

The Sutra Of Hui Neng With Chinese Script
The Sutra of Hui Neng with Chinese Script
Book Category:
Religion > Buddhism > Zen (see Also PHILOSOPHY > Zen)
Chung Yu and Mei-Lin H. Yu
ISBN 13:
USD 12.99
Publication Year:

Publisher Info

Mei-Lin H. Yu,

Mei-Lin H. Yu_Yu & Hsieh,
44-59 Kissena Blvd., Apt. 1 P, Flushing, New York, 11355,
Flushing ,
New York - 11355,

Book Description

We overhauled Mr. Wong Mou-Lam’s work to make it more palatable to the Western readers. We have also attached the original Chinese text to accompany the English translation paragraph by paragraph.


Book Review and Awards

Dr. Dominic Steavu, Asso.Professor of Univ. Of California Santa Barbara, read Chapter 2 and commented “ Your translation sounds very exciting”.

Post Review