Thinking Teacher (The) |
Book Category:
Education > General
Oliver Quinlan
ISBN 13:
GBP 16.99
Publisher Info
Lucy Delbridge,
Crown House Publishing,Crown Buildings,
Bancyfelin Carmarthen - SA33 5ND,United Kingdom
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Whilst good teaching is widely reported as the number one key to raising achievement in any classroom, educating teachers in the art and science of teaching is an expensive business. Simply training them to deliver a curriculum, on the other hand, is a whole lot less troublesome. But we need teachers who can think ? who can reflect on the process of learning, on pedagogy, on the nature of children and on the role of the professional 21st Century educator and, in doing so, seek to improve their profession on a daily basis. When we genuinely help our teachers develop into being better thinkers we help our children to become better thinkers too. For teachers in primary or secondary schools who want to think deeply and question the way they do things.