Two Continents and One Island from Fulton Books at the Book Checkout

Two Continents And One Island
Two Continents and One Island
Book Category:
Biography & Autobiography > General
Abel Ndambasha
ISBN 13:
USD 17.95
Publication Year:

Publisher Info

Fulton Books,
296 Chestnut St.,
Meadville ,
Pennsylvania - 16335,

Book Description

Two Continents and One Island conveys a physical representation to the metaphorical, mental, and spiritual journey of growth undertaken by the protagonist through life's unknowns. It chronicles the author's life story, starting in Zambia, Africa, where he was born and raised, through Cuba, where he attended postsecondary education, to North America, where he ultimately established his professional life. It makes for an intriguing life story of perseverance and opportunity interspersed with failures and successes, sorrows and laughter, ups and downs, but above all God's direction at every turn. The interweaving of religion and morality, recurring as a predominant theme, is well presented through the author's unique experiences in three unique environments.
The story is not merely a series of facts about the protagonist's life, but it also fluidly manages to reflect the author's views on religion, politics, and social themes from both the perspectives of being a devout Christian and a vulnerable young man on a sojourn to distant lands while surrounded by temptations, which are usually quite different. Yet he manages to reconcile these viewpoints very nicely and shows how a "black and white" view on morals and the world can become grayer and still retain its righteous character. This blend between spirituality, carnal desires masquerading as temptations of a young man and his unique perspective on politics in a time of extreme political upheaval makes for the most fascinating storyline in the book.
While the author is quick to point out that this is not a story about the rise from poverty to riches, he lays out an interesting perspective of how Providence orchestrated his life and miraculously opened doors at every step of the way with the help of what he commonly refers to as human angels. In the end, he reminds us that, all things considered, success, no matter how it is defined, is uniquely about tenacity and will.
The memoir covers an array of universal experiences, such as growth, spirituality, culture, and politics. It is a wellA

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