Why Is the Moon Not a Planet? from Rosen Publishing at the Book Checkout

Why Is The Moon Not A Planet?
Why Is the Moon Not a Planet?
Book Category:
Juvenile Nonfiction > Science & Nature > Astronomy
Alix Wood
Library Edition
ISBN 13:
USD 19.70
Publication Year:

Publisher Info


Rosen Publishing,

Book Description

What's the difference is between a planet and a moon? What exactly is a planet? How did the moon form and how does it affect Earth? This book explores one of our most familiar nighttime sights, the moon. Readers will love discovering the answers to these often-asked questions. Easy-to-understand diagrams and fact-filled text help explain concepts in an age-appropriate and fun way. Hands-on science projects let readers complete their own engaging experiments, while sidebars add useful information to give readers a well-rounded and memorable reading experience.

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