You and I Midst Poems and Verses |
Tu y yo entre poemas y versos
Polanco, Raymondo
ISBN 10:
ISBN 13:
USD 13.95
Publication Year:
Publisher Info
Rebecca Andreas,
Outskirts Press, Inc.,10940 S. Parker Road # 515,
Parker ,
Colorado - 80134,USA
Web: www.outskirtspress.com Inquiry
Book Description
Raymondo Polanco, born in the Dominican Republic, commenced his career at a young age as a dancer in the D.R., as well as New York City, and toured all over the USA, and South America. He also worked with the most prominent Latino Theater companies in New York. After a serious motorcycle accident that nearly cost him his life, Raymondo reflected inwardly to develop his skills as a writer. In the fall of 1992, he found a vehicle to write poetry and for the theater, which brings us to his first published book of poetry. For him, cultural work means a release of all guarded emotions through art.
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